Friday, January 9, 2015

Update on 30 Day Yoga Challenge

I'm currently about 10 days into the 30 day yoga challenge. If you need a refresher on why I'm doing this, check out my earlier post. I feel really good about this challenge! The videos are really short but that helps me when I'm tired and feel like skipping it. I'm sure it would be better to do a full 30 minutes or even an hour but this is something I feel is doable.

The improvements so far include an increase in arm strength. Downward dog has always been my nemesis. It's hard to hold for very long and it's a big part of yoga but I'm getting much better already at maintaining the pose. Maybe I'll be able to do crow again someday! (There is a day that is a prep for crow so I think it's possible). I also am obviously improving my flexibility. I know I'm not that old but I can tell that my flexibility is starting to fade away. I was really tight the first couple of days. I can feel the difference so far.

I also tried to out to help reduce some stress in my life. I'm not sure it's really doing that to be honest. I think I need a full practice with a savasana to really get that benefit. When I was doing hot yoga, savasana was definitely my favorite part. I'd feel so accomplished and relaxed. I used to joke that I needed this shirt:

There was of course more to my 30 day challenge but I haven't noticed much with the lemon water yet to give a good review. 

You may be wondering why I've omitted nutrition. I didn't. I'm working on the fit girl challenge (you may have seen my picture of the sweet potato tacos from this). I will write a full review eventually. So far it's all positive. 

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